Saturday, January 11, 2014

A link came up on my Facebook newsfeed today about a woman named Lizzie Velasquez, a woman with a rare syndrome who cannot gain weight (doesn't that sound amazing). She is a 24 year old who hasn't weighed more than 64 lbs in her life and was titled the "world's ugliest woman." In this video, she shares stories of her difficult childhood and how she used the negativity around her to make herself better. Something we can all do. She encourages people discover what truly defines them and to not let others say what you can and cannot do. Let your goals, success, accomplishments be the things that define you. People are always going to have things to say about you no matter what you do. You can't let that stop you from being the best person you can possibly be. It was such an uplifting and motivational speech and I hope you enjoy it. xo

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winter Break

Don't ask me why i'm up at 2 am writing this but hello world, readers of my blog... if I have any. This is my winter break in a nutshell: Sandys, best friends, north shore, acai bowls, frolicking, family time, christmas, grab bag games and dancing, laughter, tears, fighting, loving, flying kites, hiking, eating, eating, and more eating. It was incredible. Winter break was so good to me, I never want it to end. But it is. And these will all just be memories now. And that was depressing. And i'm tired. And I have to wake up in 4 hours. And I will stop writing now. Goodnight world, readers of my blog... If I have any. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Little Things

With all the stress and problems that life brings, there is always something to be thankful for. Today, I witnessed a blessing, it was the smallest thing too. A father and his son flying a kite together in the park. The joy and genuine smiles they had on their faces gave my heart a warm feeling. It made me wish I was that young again, so carefree, with no worry in the world. It's the little things that makes life worth living. Hearing my parents laugh together, singing and belting beyonce songs with my best friends, words of encouragement from dad, telling me how proud he is of me. Little moments like these are what I live for. There is so much good in the world, if only more people noticed it too.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

With thirteen minutes left of 2013, i'd thought i'd blog since i'm literally in bed with my best friend doing nothing on new years, sick night. This year has been filled with so many memories, good and bad, but i've gained so much wisdom from the experiences and relationships I've endured. In 2014, I look forward to rekindling old friendships, reading more, being good to my body, becoming a better girlfriend, applying for college, spending more time with my family, and doing well in school. 

The fireworks are going off, its almost midnight! Happy new year everyone. Here's to new beginnings, and a clean slate. xoxo